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Datagov Opendata Platform

1. Scope and Objects of Statistics: All low-income households that have applied for and been approved by this prefectural government are the statistical objects.2. Statistical Standard Time: The first quarter is from January to March, the second quarter is from January to June, the third quarter is from January to September, and the fourth quarter is from January to December.3. Classification Standards: In this period, it is classified according to "subsidy for employment" and "referral from social affairs to labor affairs". The cumulative number of participants in "poverty alleviation programs", "able-bodied unemployed individuals", "participants in the subsidy for employment program" and "referrals from social affairs to labor affairs" as of the end of the current quarter is classified based on the reporting situation of labor affairs, including the "cumulative number of individuals who have been employed or participated in vocational training as of the end of the current quarter" and the "success rate of counseling". The cumulative number of beneficiaries exempt from inclusion in the total household income as of the end of the current quarter is classified according to "increase in income and savings from participating in employment" and "increase in income and savings from participating in poverty alleviation programs".

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