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Datagov Opendata Platform

The Water Resources Agency and its affiliated agencies provide relevant line segment information on the positions of river cross-sections for use by civil organizations, groups, or academic units in various government agencies and projects commissioned by government agencies. This dataset is linked to a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file list. The format is based on the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) syntax standard and is a markup language containing nested elements and attributes. Developed and maintained by Keyhole, a company under Google, it is used to express geographic markings. Documents written in KML language are KML files, which also use the XML file format and are used in Google's Earth-related software (Google Earth, Google Map, Google Maps for mobile, etc.) to display geographic data (including points, lines, areas, polygons, polyhedra, models, etc.). Many GIS-related systems now also follow Google in adopting this format for the exchange of geographic data. The fields and encoding of this data in KML are all UTF-8.

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