Gender Inequality Index (GII) (compiled by the Gender Equality Department of the Executive Yuan since December 17, 2019)
(1) Gender Inequality Index (GII) is compiled by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to measure gender inequality in the areas of reproductive health, empowerment, and labor market. Our country calculates the index based on the UNDP formula.(2) Explanation: (1) GII is used to measure the difference in development achievements between the two genders, with a value between 0 and 1, where a smaller value is better. (2) Due to our country's non-membership in the United Nations and unique international situation, the index is calculated by our department according to the UNDP formula, incorporating our country's data. The calculation of the composite index for each year mainly uses the data year of various indicators adopted by UNDP. (3) In order to have the same standard for international comparison, the composite index and rankings, once published, will not be retrospectively adjusted.(3) Notes: (1) In 2011, UNDP adjusted the formula for the maternal mortality ratio in the Human Development Report, resulting in a significant decrease in GII values for each country, and the data for retrospective adjustments will not be re-ranked. (2) The original indicator "Labor force participation rate for ages 15-64" has been changed to "Labor force participation rate for ages 15 and above"; UNDP has not released the global GII ranking for 2016.
Data fields
year、Old Version - numerical value、Old Version - Rankings、2011 edition (Note 1) - Numerical值、2011 Edition (Note 1) - Rankings、2014 Edition (Note 2) - Numerical Value、2014 Edition (Note 2) - Rank
Contact person
陳先生 (0223803438)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2023-07-28 18:16
Gender statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
gender statisticsGender Inequality Index, GII, Global Gender Equality Composite Index.
Frequency of updates: irregular (updated after the release of the latest HDI by UNDP)Authorization URL:
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