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Datagov Opendata Platform

This dataset is linked to a list of KML (Keyhole Markup Language) files. This format is a markup language based on the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) syntax standard, using a tagging structure with nested elements and attributes. Developed and maintained by Keyhole, a company under Google, it is used to express geographic annotations. Documents written in KML language are KML files, which use the XML file format and are used in Google Earth-related software (such as Google Earth, Google Map, Google Maps for mobile) to display geographic data, including points, lines, areas, polygons, polyhedra, and models. Many GIS-related systems now also adopt this format to exchange geographic data. The fields and encoding of this KML data are all in UTF-8. For more details, please visit the "Geographic Information Center" (http://gic.wra.gov.tw/).

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