Tuberculosis - statistics of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis cases
County, year (nationality, foreign nationality, MDR-TB, XDR-TB, gender, age group)
Data fields
Yearly、County or City、MDR total number、Team care in population、The number of people not yet joined the team.、Number of males、Number of women、0-49 year old population、50-64 years old population、65 years and above population、MDR-TB cases、XDR-TB cases
Contact person
朱先生 (柏威) (02-23959825#3733)
Update frequency
Every day
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-29 17:08
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
MDRTBgender statisticsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisDaily updatesTuberculosis
By year, by county and city, total MDR cases, number of patients under team care, number of patients not under team care, number of male patients, number of female patients, number of patients aged 0-49, number of patients aged 50-64, number of patients aged 65 and above, number of MDR-TB patients, number of XDR-TB patients.
Related datasets
- Statistical table of area, age, and gender - multidrug-resistant tuberculosis - statistical according to date of onset (in months)
- Area age gender statistics table - multi-drug resistant tuberculosis - by date of onset (in weeks)
- Tuberculosis - Daily Tracking and Management of Case Statistics
- Tuberculosis - Daily Epidemic Indicator Overview
- Tuberculosis - New Case Number Statistics (by township)
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