Tuberculosis - Daily Tracking and Management of Case Statistics
County/city, township, date (subgroup indicators such as confirmed cases, gender, age, bacteriology positivity), usage instructions: If interfacing with the machine daily, it is recommended to select the single-day dataset. If selecting the annual cumulative dataset, there are approximately 100,000 to 300,000 records, the data volume is relatively large, and it is recommended to confirm the demand before downloading. Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease, and the treatment for individual cases may last 6-8 months or longer. Therefore, the "under management" cases in this dataset refer to cases still under tracking and treatment, regardless of the year of illness. Updated every morning, the previous day's township indicators are summarized. The daily dataset contains up to 369 records, while the annual cumulative dataset contains approximately 100,000 to 300,000 records.
Data fields
city_name、town_name、data date、manage_num、confirmed_num、MDR_num、T_conf_m、T_conf_f、T_conf_65plus、T_conf_25below、T_conf_afspos、T_conf_bacpos、T_chronic、T_9moplus
Resources download link
Contact person
朱先生 (柏威) (02-23959825#3733)
Update frequency
Every day
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-29 17:08
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
TBgender statisticsAge groupDaily updatesManagementTuberculosis
city_name, town_name, data_date, manage_num, confirmed_num, MDR_num, T_conf_m, T_conf_f, T_conf_65plus, T_conf_25below, T_conf_afspos, T_conf_bacpos, T_chronic, T_9moplus