The Taoyuan City Government Fire Department's 2016 Morandi Typhoon natural disaster personnel casualties, building losses, and major disaster property damage report.
Provide Taoyuan City's 2016 Morakot typhoon casualties and property damage statistics.
Data fields
Area、Total casualties: _ people、Number of deaths_male_0 to less than 12 years old、The number of deaths_ male_ aged 12 to under 18 years old、The number of male deaths aged 18 to under 65.、Number of deaths_ Male_ 65 years and older、Number of deaths_female_0 to less than 12 years old、Number of deaths _ female _ aged 12 to under 18 years、The number of female deaths aged 18 to under 65、Death toll _ female _ 65 years and above、Number of missing persons_male_0 to less than 12 years old、Number of Missing Persons_Male_Aged 12 to Under 18、The number of missing persons: male: 18 to under 65 years old、The number of missing people_ male_ 65 years old and above、The number of missing persons_females_aged 0 to under 12 years old、The number of missing persons_ female_ aged 12 to under 18 years old、The number of missing persons_ female_ aged 18 to under 65 years old、Number of missing persons_female_65 years old and above、Number of serious injuries_males_0 to less than 12 years old、Number of serious injuries_men_12 to under 18 years old、Serious injuries _ male _ 18 to under 65 years old、Severely injured persons_ male_ 65 years and older、The number of severely injured females under 12 years old is 0.、The number of severely injured_ female_ aged 12 to under 18 years old、Number of serious injuries_female_18 to less than 65 years old、Serious injuries_ female_ 65 years or older、Number of slightly injured people_men_0 to under 12 years old、Light injury number_male_12 to under 18 years old、The number of lightly injured males aged 18 to under 65、Minor injuries_ male_ 65 years old and above、Number of Minor Injuries_Female_Under 12 Years Old、Number of light injuries_female_12 to less than 18 years old、Number of Minor Injuries_Female_Aged 18 to Under 65、Number of minor injuries_women_aged 65 and over、Building Damage_Building Collapse_Main Building、Building damage_Building collapse_Unit、Building damage_Building partially collapsed_Unit、Building damage_Building collapsed halfway_House、Rescue victims number、Number of Damaged Vehicles_Total、Number of Damaged Vehicles_Large Vehicles、The number of damaged vehicles_small cars、The number of damaged vehicles_special purpose vehicles、Number of damaged vehicles_motorcycles、The number of damaged vehicles_other、The total value for property damage assessment is _ thousand yuan、The estimated property damage value for the building is in thousands of yen.、Financial Loss Assessment_Vehicle_Thousand Yuan、Property damage assessment_other_thousands of yuan
Contact person
陳小姐 (03-3379119-141)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-02-12 11:32
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
The Taoyuan City Government Open Data Platform OAS standard API documentation: for Swagger-generated API documentation page:
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