Taoyuan City Government Fire Department 105 Malayka Typhoon natural disaster casualties, building losses, major disaster property losses report
Provide Taoyuan City's 105-year statistics on casualties and property damage caused by Typhoon Malakas
Data fields
District、Total Number of Casualties: _ Person
、Number of deaths_ Male_ 0 to less than 12 years old、The number of deaths_ male_ aged 12 to under 18 years old、Death toll_ male_ 18 to less than 65 years old、Death toll_male_65 years and older、Death toll_female_0 to less than 12 years old、Number of death_female_12 to under 18 years old、Fatalities_Women_Aged 18 to Less than 65 Years Old、Number of deaths_female_65 years and older、The number of missing persons_ male_ 0 to less than 12 years old、Number of missing persons_males_12 to under 18 years old、The number of missing persons_men_aged 18 to under 65 years old、Number of missing persons_male_over 65 years old、The number of missing females under 12 years old is 0.、The number of missing persons_Female_12 to under 18 years old、The number of missing persons_ female_ 18 to under 65 years old、Number of missing persons_female_65 years old and above、Number of serious injuries_male_0 to less than 12 years old、The number of seriously injured persons, male, aged 12 to under 18 years old.、Serious injuries_ male_ 18 to under 65 years old、Number of serious injuries_Male_65 years old and above、Number of serious injuries_female_0 to less than 12 years old、Number of seriously injured persons_female_12 to under 18 years old、Number of seriously injured persons_female_18 to under 65 years old、Serious injuries_ Female_ 65 years or older、Number of minor injuries_men_aged 0 to under 12 years old、Number of minor injuries_male_12 to under 18 years old、Number of minor injuries_male_18 to under 65 years old、Light injuries _ male _ 65 years or older、Number of minor injuries _ Female_ 0 to less than 12 years old、Number of minor injuries_female_12 to under 18 years of age、Light injury cases_females_18 to under 65 years old、Minor injuries _ Female _ 65 years old and above、Building damage_Building collapse_Building、Building damage_Building collapse_Unit、Building damage_Building partial collapse_Building、Building damage_Building half-collapsed_Unit、Rescuing disaster victims.、The number of damaged vehicles_total、The number of damaged vehicles_large vehicles、The number of damaged vehicles_small cars、The number of damaged vehicles_specialized vehicles、The number of damaged vehicles_motorcycles、The number of damaged vehicles _ other、Total estimated property damage value _ thousand yuan、Property damage assessment_Building_Thousand yuan、Material loss assessment_vehicles_thousands of yuan、Material loss assessment_ other_ thousand yuan
Contact person
陳小姐 (03-3379119-141)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-31 14:24
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
The Taoyuan City Government's Open Data Platform OAS standard API documentation: https://data.tycg.gov.tw/v2/api-docsURL for the Swagger-generated API documentation page: https://data.tycg.gov.tw/opendata/api-docs
Related datasets
- Taoyuan City Typhoon Control Zone
- Taoyuan City Wind Disaster Building Loss
- The Taoyuan City Government Fire Department's 105 Typhoon Nepart natural disaster casualties, building losses, and significant disaster property damage report.
- The Taoyuan City Government Fire Department's 2016 Morandi Typhoon natural disaster personnel casualties, building losses, and major disaster property damage report.
- Taoyuan City Wind Disaster Casualties
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