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The Water Resources Agency has been conducting annual audits since the 91st year of the Republic of China in accordance with the "Operation Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plans" issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, to understand the actual water use, water conservation measures, and implementation of water recycling rates of the approved water use plans through online reporting, review meetings, and on-site inspections, in order to timely adjust the planned water use, effectively grasp regional water resource development and regulation, and promote the effective utilization of the country's overall water resources. The water use plan auditing mechanism has been legally authorized after the enforcement of Article 54-3 of the Water Resources Act on May 25, 2016, and the "Water Use Plan Review and Management Measures" were formulated in June 2017. Water use plan management has shifted from passive acceptance of reviews to active submission. Water use plans for development activities or changes with a water use of 300 cubic meters per day or more are required to be submitted to the agency for review. The review focuses on the appropriateness of the estimated water use, water conservation measures (recovery rate), and water supply planning. In accordance with Article 10 of the Water Use Plan Review and Management Measures, after the water use plan is approved, the development unit should implement the content of the water use plan, and report the water use situation to the central management authority by the end of April each year. Therefore, the Water Resources Agency conducts annual water use plan audits (including on-site inspections) to effectively control the usage of water for each water use plan.

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