Water Resources Bureau Agricultural Water Statistics
This dataset is commissioned annually and compiled for the previous year's statistics on the use of water by various targets, which has long been valued by relevant economic development, water resources-related units, and academic research units. In order for the government to have clear statistical data on various water consumption, to facilitate the formulation of water consumption policies, and to serve as a reference for water resource planning across sectors, the Water Resources Agency annually publishes a water use statistics report. The statistical and writing methods of the above-mentioned annual statistical report have been used for many years. In recent years, the development and application of water resources have become increasingly diverse, and water resources management has become increasingly sophisticated. By using limited data to estimate the water consumption of various targets and the sources of water, these serve as references for water resource planning and management. The data covers the northern, central, southern, and eastern regions as statistical units and is used by this agency to understand the actual water consumption status of various targets.
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Contact person
鄭宇君 (04-22501204)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-05 13:52
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
AgricultureUsing water.Statistics
Since 2020, industrial water statistics methods have been improved and the amount of domestic water has been increased, causing errors in the original webpage program and making it impossible to update the database. Please refer to the annual report files for water usage statistics from 2020 onwards.
Related datasets
- The Water Resources Agency's statistics on irrigated area and irrigation water usage
- The statistical data of aquaculture area and aquaculture water usage by the Water Resources Agency
- Water Resources Bureau Livestock Number and Livestock Water Use Statistics
- Water Resources Agency Household Water Consumption Statistics
- Water Resources Agency Industrial Water Consumption and Industrial Area
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