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Datagov Opendata Platform

The Ministry of Economic Affairs' Water Resources Agency's Disaster Emergency Response Team, utilizing long-term disaster response experience, further combines real-time data such as rainfall, water levels, and reservoir levels, through computer technology to provide water level alerts to the public and relevant units. This helps people understand the risk of home flooding, prepare early, and reduce the occurrence of disasters. This dataset is linked to a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file list, which is a markup language based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) syntax standard, developed and maintained by Google's Keyhole company for expressing geospatial annotations. Documents written in the KML language are referred to as KML files and are used in Google Earth-related software (Google Earth, Google Map, Google Maps for mobile, etc.) for displaying geospatial data. Many GIS-related systems now also use this format for geospatial data exchange, and the KML of this data uses UTF-8 encoding.

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