Total currency count
The total money supply refers to the statistical sum of various different currency assets held by enterprises and individuals. In general, there is a distinction between narrow and broad categories. Narrow money supply (such as M1A, M1B) mainly emphasizes the function of a medium of exchange, such as currency and check deposits, demand deposits, etc., while broad money supply (such as M2) includes quasi-money in addition to narrow money supply, such as time deposits, and leans more towards the function of value storage.
Data fields
period、Non-monetary financial institutions held currency in circulation - original value、Entities outside the monetary authority hold currency - year-on-year growth rate、Deposit Currency - Calculation - Original Value、Deposit money - calculation - annual growth rate、Deposit Currency - Check Deposit - Original Value、Deposit currency - checking deposit - annual growth rate、Deposit currency - Demand deposit - Original value、Deposit currency - demand deposit - annual growth rate、Savings - Current Savings Deposit - Original Value、Deposit currency - current savings deposits - annual growth rate、Quasi-money - calculation - original value、Quasi-Money - M2 - Annual Growth Rate、Quasi-money - time and savings deposits - original value、Quasi-Money - Annual Growth Rate of Time and Savings Deposits、Quasi-money - foreign exchange deposit - original value、Quasi-money - Foreign exchange deposits - Annual growth rate、Quasi-Money-Postal Savings-Original Value、Quasi-money - postal savings - annual growth rate、Quasi-currency - Foreigner's New Taiwan Dollar Deposit - Original Value、Quasi-Money - Foreigners' New Taiwan Dollar Deposits - Annual Growth Rate、Fiat Currency - Repurchase Transaction Balance - Original Value、Quasi-money - repurchase agreement balance - annual growth rate、Quasi-currency - money market mutual funds etc. - original value、Quasi-money - Money Market Mutual Funds etc. - Year-on-year growth rate、Total money supply - M1A - original value、Total money supply -M1A- year-on-year growth rate、Total Currency in Circulation - M1B - Initial Value、Total currency - M1B - year-on-year growth rate、Total currency in circulation - M2 - original value、Money supply - M2 - year-over-year growth rate
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Contact person
劉小姐 (0223571741)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-08-09 09:08
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Data archives
Currency total countGovernment statistics
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