The top ten foreign consumption amounts and number of transactions for Rokuto cardholders (ranked by number of signed transactions)
The amount and number of credit card transactions by cardholders in the six municipalities for the top ten countries or regions in overseas expenditure (ranked by the number of transactions) (Joint Credit Card Processing Center).
Data fields
年月 translates to "years and months."、Country、Area、Number of credit card transactions、Credit card transaction amount [New Taiwan Dollar]
Contact person
陳先生 (02-27191919#2737)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-06 14:52
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
RegionTainan CityConsumptionOverseasTainanCredit cardRankingCredit Card Processing CenterUnionPay CenterAmountSwipe card.Livelihood consumptionNumber of pensTaipei CityNew Taipei CityTaoyuan CityKaohsiung CityChargetransactionCardholderSix citiesTaoyuancountryTaipeiTop tenNew TaipeiTaichungKaohsiungTaichung City
1. Authorization explanation URL: API documentation URL for OAS standard: URL for Swagger-generated API documentation page: The order of countries is based on the number of monthly consumption transactions.
Related datasets
- The top ten foreign spending amounts and transactions for credit card holders in the six municipalities (ranked by the amount of signature charges).
- The consumption patterns of female cardholders in the six major cities across different age groups
- Consumption patterns of male cardholders in the six municipalities across different age groups
- Consumption patterns of cardholders at different age groups in the six municipalities
- The consumption patterns of cardholders in the six major cities vary by income group each year.
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