National Taiwan Science Education Center Taiwan International Science Fair winning works
To expand our country's students' horizons in scientific research and strengthen international scientific and technological education exchanges, starting from 2002, in addition to accepting registrations from domestic junior high and high school students interested in scientific research, we also invite foreign teachers and students to exhibit in Taiwan. This year, a total of 485 teachers and students from 20 countries and 149 award-winning works entered the finals. Among them, 19 students and 13 works representing our country participated in international science exhibitions in the United States, the Netherlands, and other countries, and performed excellently, receiving international recognition.To facilitate mutual learning and observation, this museum has collected and compiled the award-winning works and comments in the fields of mathematics, physics and space science, chemistry, earth science, zoology, botany, microbiology, biochemistry, medicine and health, engineering, computer science, environmental science, as well as behavioral and social sciences at the Taiwan International Science Fair in 2013 and uploaded them to the museum's "Hall of Science Exhibition Excellence" website for teachers, students, and the public to view online.
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Contact person
鄭小姐 (0266101234#1508)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
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Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-07-22 15:50
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Data archives
International Science ExhibitionScience exhibitionScience exhibition works
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