Taichung City Mayor's Green Welfare Service - Evergreen Academy
1. From 2018, the Changqing Academy is organized by the local authorities. For course-related questions, please contact the local authorities or visit the Changqing Academy website ( https://old65.taichung.gov.tw/ ) for inquiries. 2. Enrollment will be conducted in December. 3. The study period is one year, divided into two semesters. 4. Class offerings include Chinese language and cultural studies, foreign language studies, Chinese music, drama, handicrafts, home environment studies, computer (information), singing, musical instruments, fitness, croquet, calligraphy and painting, gardening, folk songs, and other various subjects.
Data fields
Organization name、The person in charge、Contact person、Contact phone、Fax、Email、Address、Administrative area、X coordinate、Y coordinate、Service hours、Related URL、Remarks、Introduction、Service Target、Nature
Resources download link
Contact person
鄧依雯 (37412)
Update frequency
Every June
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-17 17:06
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Evergreen AcademyGeographical data
The API documentation of Taichung City Government's OAS standard: https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/yaml/387120000J, Swagger generates the API description page URL: https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/api-docs/
Related datasets
- The Mayor's Evergreen Academy Event Contact Form
- Green Evergreen Academy related information
- Hsinchu County Changqing Academy Course Opening Information
- Chang Qing Academy Course Information in Taichung City
- 10730-04-03-2 Taichung City Elderly Welfare Service (Cultural and Recreational) Center and Elderly Academy
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