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Datagov Opendata Platform

Old trees are treasures of the local area, they are living cultural relics that evoke nostalgia and touch the hearts of people. They symbolize the longing of hometown for the wanderers from distant lands, bring back beautiful childhood memories, and serve as the center of faith for residents, protecting their descendants. Ecologically, they form complete and intricate ecosystems and provide habitats for urban wildlife. They play a crucial role in ecological balance and biodiversity, preserving ancient genes and recording environmental and climate changes over the years. From various perspectives, the value and contribution of old trees to humanity are irreplaceable. Protecting old trees is an urgent responsibility. Through the publication of the book "In Search of Old Trees in Taoyuans Hidden Valleys," we aim to raise awareness about the importance of old tree conservation and conduct a comprehensive survey and documentation of old trees in Taoyuan. This effort will help to understand their growth and health conditions, identify more trees worthy of protection, and register them for preservation, making them valuable assets within the city. This will not only contribute to environmental protection and tourism industry, but also mark the beginning of old tree conservation. We hope to raise public awareness and encourage everyone to become guardians of old trees, and to participate in the sacred work of protecting them.

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