Hydraulic Bureau Bird Survey Data
This dataset mainly includes the basin of the survey, rivers, sample points, dates, species, usage methods, and quantities. The dataset is provided by the River Situation Survey Database Management System of the Water Resources Agency's Hydraulic Engineering Research Institute, integrating the river situation data completed by the Water Resources Agency over the years. It serves as a unified management and query website for river situation survey data, hoping to be used as reference data for river water resource management, ecological environment maintenance, and environmental improvement planning for structures in river areas. The key content of this data is species, location, and time, allowing users to further analyze the spatiotemporal distribution of species. According to the operation points of the river situation survey, there should be at least two surveys during the year, with the survey time divided into breeding season and non-breeding season. Different migration period surveys should be added in areas where migratory birds appear, with two surveys for each migration period.
Data fields
Approach、BasinName、Date、Family、Number、Order、Remarks、RiverCode、RiverName、SamplingPointSiteIdentifier、Sampling Point Site Name、ScientificNameCode、SpeciesScientificName、SpeciesUniverseName、X_3826、Y_3826
Resources download link
Contact person
何志雄 (0423304788#2341)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-03-05 15:15
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
BirdsRiver situation