Each industry raises regular wage rates in accordance with various factors. The ratio of wage increases varies by industry.
The survey on employee trends of the employed is based on the various industries' increase in the reference ratio of regular wages and takes into account the factors, and releases them by industry.
Data fields
Contact person
李先生 (02-23803631)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-10-28 08:57
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Employee Trends SurveyVendor ratioRegular salaryGovernment statistics
1. Unit: %2. Authorization explanation website: https://data.gov.tw/license3. The important factor ratio for each vendor's consideration of raising salaries in the table is the ratio of vendors who consider this factor in the top 3 priorities when considering raising salaries, as the sum of the ratios may exceed 100% due to the possibility of multiple selections.
Related datasets
- All businesses have no reference to salary adjustments by industry ratio - by industry.
- Each industry reduces the reference ratio of regular wages by various factors - by industry.
- Regular wages of employees by industry, citizenship, and employment type
- The number of employees subject to regular wages by industry
- The number of employees covered by the regular wage calculation method in each industry - by size of public and private business units
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