River Restoration English Version Newspaper
The data source for this is the River Restoration Network and the e-River website. The data is no longer being updated. This data set mainly collects English version news on river restoration. The concept and practice of river restoration originate from Europe. According to past research, river restoration refers to the "repair of environmental damage caused by human activities, the reconstruction of river ecosystem, and the restoration of structure and function to the natural state before human development interference." However, as there are currently no historical data on the original river environment before human interference, it is difficult to restore river systems to their original natural conditions. Therefore, in practice, it is generally only possible to restore the river to a slightly ideal natural ecological environment before significant development interference. Since the definition of "slightly ideal" is subjective, the definition and goals of river restoration are progressive and incremental. This data set aims to promote the concept of river restoration and encourage public concern.
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Contact person
徐安眉 (04-22501420)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-03-06 15:15
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
NewsRiver restoration
The source of the information is the River Restoration Network and e-River website of this department. The website has been closed since July 2021, and this information is no longer being updated.
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