Taoyuan City Gaorong Wildlife Rescue Center
The Gaorong Wildlife Protection Area in Yangmei District, Taoyuan City, is designated as a protected area for wildlife and important habitats under the Wildlife Conservation Act. The genetic makeup of the Taipei frog in this area differs from that of the Taipei frog in other regions of Taiwan, carrying ecological and evolutionary significance. The area is also home to various reptiles and frog species, including the long-legged frog and the tiger-patterned frog. As of 2012, the number of frogs in the protected area has decreased from over 200 per night around 2005 to around 16 per night. The area is currently closed to the public, and will be opened for further planning once the frog population stabilizes.
Data fields
Location、Announcement area
Contact person
李小姐 (03-3322101#5480)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-24 10:01
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Agricultural BureauPublic informationGao Rong
The Taoyuan City Government Open Data Platform OAS Standard API Documentation: https://data.tycg.gov.tw/v2/api-docsSwagger-generated API documentation page URL: https://data.tycg.gov.tw/opendata/api-docs