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Datagov Opendata Platform

The Liyutan Reservoir watershed is located in the lower reaches of the Jingshan River in Miaoli County. It stores water from the Jingshan River and the Da'an River, which is diverted from the Shilin Weir Water Reservoir (hereinafter referred to as the Shilin Weir). The water is used for domestic and public water supply, agricultural irrigation, industrial use, and other purposes. It is a reservoir with no direct upstream inflow. The watershed area of the reservoir is based on the principle of covering the entire watershed ridge line above the dam of the Liyutan Reservoir, with a total area of approximately 52.77 square kilometers. The Central Region Water Resources Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs submitted the Liyutan Reservoir watershed area according to the "Operational Guidelines for the Production and Verification of Reservoir Watershed Maps" on February 28, 2013, and it was verified by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in May 13, 2015 to be provided as open data. As the map data for the reservoir watershed area has not yet been completed for all 95 reservoirs in Taiwan, the reservoir watershed area maps will be gradually opened based on the progress of the verification work.

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