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Datagov Opendata Platform

This dataset mainly provides daily water situation information for the Liyutan Reservoir in Taiwan, including the reservoir name, water level, storage capacity, and observation time. The source of this dataset is generated by the Central Region Hydrological Center Information System of this department; the reservoir water level data is automatically generated by the reservoir management unit by self-recording instruments every hour or manually observed once a day, and responsible for data entry or logging. The data provided by this database management system is mainly for various sectors concerned about the water situation of Liyutan Reservoir to understand the latest changes in the reservoir water situation, as the basis for tourism, economic construction analysis, academic research, disaster prevention and flood control, and water resources allocation. For photography enthusiasts wishing to capture the overflowing scene of the spillway at the Liyutan Reservoir, they can check the water level data before visiting the area. If the water level exceeds 300 meters, it means that the Liyutan Reservoir has started to overflow.

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