Department of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs - Annual Electricity Generation Data
1. Data content: Presenting the statistics of gross electricity generation produced by various power generation techniques in Taiwan over the past 21 years, including pumped storage hydro, thermal (coal, oil, gas), nuclear, and renewable energy (conventional hydro, geothermal, solar photovoltaic, wind, biomass, waste) from national, state-owned, privately-owned power plants, and self-generating facilities.2. Collection purpose: To serve as the basis for energy-related policy planning and management in Taiwan.3. Collection methods:(1) Presenting the statistics of gross electricity generation from power generation and self-generating facilities as defined in the Electricity Act.(2) Electricity generation (national): Recording the gross electricity generation of various power generation techniques in Taiwan, including the total electricity generation reported by power generation, self-generating facilities, and electricity sales (third-party renewable energy power generation facilities).(3) Electricity generation (Taiwan Power Company): Recording the gross electricity generation of various power generation techniques by Taiwan Power Company, including the total electricity generation reported by the company.(4) Electricity generation (privately-owned power plants): Recording the gross electricity generation of various power generation techniques by privately-owned power plants (excluding Taiwan Power Company), including the total electricity generation reported by these entities.(5) Electricity generation (self-generating facilities): Recording the gross electricity generation of various power generation techniques by self-generating facilities, including the total electricity generation reported by these facilities and electricity sales (third-party renewable energy power generation facilities).
Data fields
Contact person
王小姐 (02-27721370#6131)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-10-28 12:57
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statisticsPower generation
The original data type is: OtherLicense description URL:
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