Monthly New Taipei City A1 Road Traffic Accidents - Road Type Category
1. Scope and Object of Statistics: All traffic accidents occurring on roads within the jurisdiction of New Taipei City are within the scope and object of statistics. (1) Accidents caused by the operation of motor vehicles or power machinery. (2) Accidents occurring on the road. (3) Accidents involving fatalities (i.e., those meeting the conditions for reporting in Traffic Accident Investigation Report type A1).2. Standard Time of Statistics: Based on the occurrences from the 1st day to the end of each month.3. Classification Standards: Classified by road category and road type.4. Relevant Laws and Regulations: (1) Road Traffic Accidents: According to Article 2 of the "Regulations for Handling Road Traffic Accidents," it refers to accidents caused by motor vehicles or power machinery traveling on the road, resulting in fatalities, injuries, or vehicle and property damage. (2) Road: Refers to public roads, streets, alleys, squares, arcades, corridors, or other places open to the public for passage. (3) Road category and road type are based on the first party involved as the statistical standard. (4) Dedicated roads refer to roads used exclusively by various industries. (If accidents occur on two or more different types of roads, the road on which the first party was traveling is considered primary.) (5) Road traffic accidents do not include accidents involving the railway (trains) themselves, but accidents involving collisions between trains and motor vehicles or power machinery are included, referred to as level crossing accidents.5. Data Collection Methods and Compilation Procedures: The traffic platoon of this office will compile the road traffic accident investigation report forms completed each month and submit them for compilation by the traffic battalion of this office, based on the investigation report form by sub-station for compilation of data for that month into this table.
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Contact person
鄭小姐 (5006)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
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Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-31 09:05
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Dataset Category
Data archives
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Related datasets
- Every year, New Taipei City A2 traffic accident road category and road type.
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- The time of traffic accidents in New Taipei City A2 changes every year
- Monthly New Taipei City A1 Road Traffic Accidents - Time of Accident
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