



政府資料開放平臺貢獻條款 v.2017.5.7


1. 貢獻內容之合法及適當狀態

1.1. 您的資料貢獻不應侵害他人之智慧財產權利。如您貢獻「內容」,代表就您所知您表示,您有權授權「管理者」及「平臺」的使用者,依「管理者」指定、揀選的授權條款,來使用並散布這些「內容」。如您並不具有此般權利,則您貢獻的資料將面臨被刪除的風險。(以下說明)

1.2. 請注意「管理者」並不必然需要將「您」貢獻的「內容」包括於「平臺」上,並且得以在任何時候,將您的貢獻於「平臺」上移除。舉例來說,如果「管理者」察知任何貢獻資料也許並不合規,其後可能無法被繼續合法散布,則「管理者」或將刪除這些資料。此一刪除作為,得基於任何可能的理由,例如收到聲稱其為智慧財產權利擁有者的內容下架聲明要求,即屬之。

2. 授與權利

2.1. 依據其後2.2.及2.3.條款,您在此授與「管理者」全球性、免授權金、非專屬、永久、不可撤回之著作權及其他司法管轄區域可能定義之鄰接權及資料庫權之權利,讓其能夠不受前述權利限制使用「內容」之任何內含物,無論是就原始載體,或採其他型態進行利用。所授與的權利明示包括商業性使用,並且不排除任何領域內的利用。此一授權包括並不限於,將作品進行後續再授權利用,並允許多階的被授權人皆得採再授權方式再作利用。就現行法及著作權契約可容許的最大範圍內,「您」對「管理者」或經其授權利用「內容」之人,亦拋棄或不主張任何著作人格權。

2.2. 「管理者」允諾其原則上將僅於採用「您的」「內容」形成一個更大規模作品時,才依再授權方式來使用這些內容,例如建置一個衍生的資料庫或編輯著作,將您的「內容」與其他素材結合,並為此衍生作品依一個或多個「管理者」於「平臺」上採用的授權條款來進行釋出。舉例來說,「政府資料開放授權條款-第1版」即為此種條款。這些採用條款有時會依權責機關的指導政策,由「管理者」進行重新選擇或變更,然而,「開放定義」裡「開放性」一詞,所涉及的資料及內容之提供方式,將永遠基於誠信原則在條款選擇時被進行考量。

2.3. 當「您」貢獻某「內容」至「平臺」上時,歡迎並鼓勵您能夠透過提交表單,點明您欲建議採用的備位著作權授權條款或著作狀態事實聲明。此備位條款及聲明,為您依本協議條款授與權利予「管理者」及經由授權之人的附加項。備位條款將被視為「您」建議表示的傳達,作為推薦或建議「管理者」,除依其採用的條款之外,在同一時間依您建議的條款以多重授權模式來提供此「內容」予公眾。這表示原則上「您」所貢獻的「內容」,將依備位條款直接以您的姓名表示,同時亦得依「管理者」採用的授權條款,以其指定之姓名表示來提供予公眾。然而,此一建議表示的傳達,並不會被視為「協議」裡拘束「管理者」必須在任何情境下皆實踐的額外限制或義務規定。

2.4. 除本處訂明之範圍,您所貢獻「內容」之所有權利、地位,及利益,仍保留在「您」。

3. 免責聲明

3.1. 在現行法容許的範圍內,「您」是以「現狀」及現有之基礎提供本「內容」,且未聲明或提供關於該內容之任何保證,無論明示、默示,包括並不限於任何權利擔保、可商業性、是否符合某特定之目的,或其他保證。

3.2. 除依法不得事先排除或限縮之責任為限,「您」或「管理者」皆不應依此「協議」,為其他歸責理論導致任何特殊的、間接的、附隨的、連帶的、懲罰性的,或警告性的損害賠償。此一責任排除,縱任一方已經被告知發生此類損害的可能性時,亦同。

4. 其他事項

4.1. 提交表單裡被要求並經「您」填註的基礎人別資訊,視為同意後續蒐集、處理及利用您該個人資料之明確書面聲明。其後就該「內容」進行姓名標示之實作,應被解釋為與蒐集之特定目的相符之情形下,使用相關之個人資料。

4.2. 本「協議」依據中華民國法律,不適用其他法律衝突準據原則。當本「協議」任一條款被視為無效時,雙方同意該無效不應影響本「協議」其他部份之有效性。至此為「您」與「管理者」之間,對於協議相關事項的所有協議內容。


Contribution Terms for Taiwan Open Government Data Portal v.2017.5.7

Thank you for your interest in contributing data and related content (collectively, “Contents”) to the Civic Feedback Sector of the data.gov.tw data portal (the “Portal”). This contribution agreement (the “Agreement”) is made between you (“You”) and the administrative organization (the “Host”) governing the Portal and clarifies the intellectual property rights in any Contents that You choose to submit to the Portal in your user account or under your attribution. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully and confirm that, by submitting or uploading the Contents to the Portal, you indicate your acceptance of this Agreement to do so, and all its terms and conditions for permissions of licensing, sublicensing, distributing or modifying the Contents or works based on it.

1. The lawful and proper status for the contribution

1.1. Your contribution of data should not infringe the intellectual property rights of anyone else. If you contribute Contents, You are indicating that, as far as You know, You have the right to authorize the Host and the users of the Platform to use and distribute those Contents under the chosen license terms appointed by the Host. If You do not have that right, You risk having Your contribution deleted (see below).

1.2. Please note that the Host does not have to include Contents You contribute on the Portal, and may remove Your contributions from the Portal at any time. For example, if the Host suspect that any contributed data might be incompliant and could not continuely be lawfully distributed, the Host may delete that data. Based on whichever reasons such as receiving a notification of content removal request from the ones who claiming to be the intellectual property rights owners.

2. Rights Granted

2.1. Subject to article 2.2. and 2.3. below, You hereby grant to the Host a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable license to do any act that is restricted by copyright, or any related right such as neighboring right and database right which might be defined and stipulated in other jurisdiction, over anything within the Contents, whether in the original medium or any other. These rights explicitly include commercial use, and do not exclude any field of endeavour. These rights include, without limitation, the right to sublicense the work through multiple tiers of sublicensees. To the extent allowable under applicable laws and copyright conventions, You also waive and/or agree not to assert against the Host or its licensees any moral rights that You may have in the Contents.

2.2. 「As a general rule, the Host agrees that it may only use Your Contents in the sublicensing method as part of a larger work, such as building a derived database or compilation that combines your Contents with other material, and makes the derivative work under the terms of one or more of the licenses applied by the Host for data providing on the Platform. For example, "Open Government Data License, version 1.0". Those applied licenses may from time to time be varied or chosen by the Host according to the administrative policy framed by authorities, however “Openness” for the chosen licenses in relation to data and content defined by the "Open Definition" shall always be taken into consideration in good faith.

2.3. When You contribute certain Contents to the Platform, You are welcome and encouraged to identify a secondary copyright license or the de facto statement in the submission form, which is additional to the license you grant to the Host and its licensees under the specified terms. This secondary license will be deemed as an expression of intent from You that recommends or suggests the Host to provide the Contents to the public under the chosen licenses and the recommended one by you in a multiple method at the same time. That means in principle the Contents contributed from You shall be provided under the secondary copyright license in your attribution directly and may be provided under the chosen licenses in the attribution designated by the Host simultaneously to the public. However this expression of intent will not be treated as any additional restriction or obligation to the Agreement that binds the Host to enforce it under any circumstances.

2.4. Except as set forth herein, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your Contents.

3. Limitation of Liability

3.1 To the extent permitted by applicable law, You provide the Contents “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise.

3.2 Subject to any liability that may not be excluded or limited by law, neither You nor the Host shall be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages under this Agreement, however caused and under any theory of liability. This exclusion applies even if either party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. The fundamental identification required and filled in by You in the submission form constitutes the clear declaration of the consent in writing given by You for the personal information in the following process of collection, processing and use. All the attribution for the Contents put into practice hereafter shall be interpreted as use the related personal information in accordance with the scope of the specific purpose of collection provided.

4.2. This Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of Republic of China (Taiwan) without regard to principles of conflict of law. In the event of invalidity of any provision of this Agreement, the parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement. This is the entire agreement between You and the Host relating to the subject matter of this agreement.